I Declare A Miracle 

A life so certain to have been lost to suicide, after final decisions were made and doctors said it was over,  God said otherwise.  This child is awake and responding to commands!! When we woke this morning we were certain we’d be getting funeral information or at least an official announcement it was over. Instead we are sobbing in sheer relief.  There are no words to describe this.  I hope God gave him a heavenly swift kick to the butt.  And that this long journey of physical healing also heals what was broken in his spirit.  There is much that can still go wrong but the fact he woke up when they insisted his heart would stop!  There is much hope to hold onto!! Not only is his life saved for the time being,  it just might have saved the life of a young girl I love very much who was carrying the burden of guilt.

Please there is always help, and asking for help is not admitting defeat.  It’s being courageous! 

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