Preparing For My Interview

I apologize, this week has been very emotional and while I wrote about my personal anguish I did not write about what is going on beyond that. 

I had a phone interview on Thursday and am going in here shortly for my face to face and basic skills testing. This job pays $3 more an hour than I’d get on days at the hotel. A dollar more than I get on my nights. Its full time year round. Which right now all the resorts are hiring and that’s about it, so finding a year round gig is a big deal. 

Everything changed this last week. I need to make changes in my life to adjust. I hate leaving the hotel short handed. But I need something more reliable year round. To be able to stand on my own two feet financially. And I need benefits for my son. He has insurance through his father but we can’t even use it until we meet the ten grand deductible. Used to be a lot of policies covered mental health care with little to no deductible. His does not. 

So I’m getting ready to get in the shower and get ready for my interview in two hours. No clue what to wear. My allergies are killing me. My stomach is still queasy from last night’s supper. But I will nail this. I have to.

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